The end.

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The Bucket (at least for the moment) is full.  

This is the lid.

My blog contains 290 stories written over a period of 2 years.

It is my autobiography, diluted with a lot of nonsense and dogmatic drivel.

To continue would be an exercise in self-indulgent twaddle and repetition.

So I thank you.  A really heartfelt thank you to everyone who has ever read this blog, especially those who encouraged me and took the time to leave comments.

Thank you also to my old New Guinea friends, especially those in Korbau and Mindom villages who inspired so many of my stories by showing me that much common sense has been lost by Western society which now mistakenly believes that the "good things in life" involve material possessions.

If you need me I'll be in the shed at the bottom of the garden resuming my reclusive pre-blogging life.

All that remains for me to do is officially hand over the entire contents of this blog to Inga, who, after I have shuffled off the coil, will  never have grounds for wondering what her Father's opinion might have been regarding every subject known to mankind.

I could not conclude this blog without once again publishing Desiderata.  If all the lengthy ambiguous scriptures of every religion on earth could be replaced by this single page of philosophy our world would be a much better place.

Thank you for your company on this journey.

Take care of yourself……..and each other.




Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

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About GOF

"Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it, depends upon what you put into it." (Tom Lehrer)

41 responses »

  1. Aye, it won't be the same around here without you, GOF. Your tales were among my very favorite. Ah well, at least now I have an excuse to visit Australia.

  2. So long, GOF. Thanks for the laughs, the wisdom, and the memories. And Desiderata. It has been a source of inspiration to so many of our generation. Go well, my friend.

  3. Thank you Emmi for your loyal support.Ah well, at least now I have an excuse to visit Australia. Mrs GOF and I very much look forward to that. 🙂

  4. So, if I ever wonder, "What would GOF think about this?" I'll just refer it to Inga.It's been nice reading your writings … and I somehow feel I'll hear from you again from time to time.Thanks, and good luck.

  5. Thank you Snowy. Without your support right from the beginning I would not have persisted. Your blog has been a shining light for so many of us junior Voxers, and I will always be thankful for your inspiration.

  6. So, if I ever wonder, "What would GOF think about this?" I'll just refer it to Inga.I just worry about what sort of reply you might get…earmuffs and acceptance of bad language might be required. :-)Thanks for all your support GOM. I'll still continue to read your entertaining blog.

  7. Good luck GOF – I've really enjoyed your words of wisdom, your lessons in history and your humour. Sometimes the bottom of the garden is absolutely the best place to be.

  8. I will miss your posts and your wisdom, GOF. I am very sad to see you go. SAD!

  9. Oh, wow. I, too, will miss your posts very much. I sincerely thank you for writing them.

  10. I can't believe this is absolutely it. You still have too much piss and vinegar not to vent here once in awhile.

  11. Thanks for your kind words Emjay.Sometimes the bottom of the garden is absolutely the best place to be. It certainly is at my place……solitude…..with a piano. I love it.

  12. Thank you ErinGB and it pleases me greatly that you found something of interest to read here. That makes the whole project worthwhile for me.

  13. Thank you Freedom. It was a difficult decision, but I feel the time was right.I was running out of things in life to complain about. 🙂

  14. Thank you H.G…….I still plan to loiter around your blog occasionally.You still have too much piss and vinegar not to vent here once in awhile. You are probably fortunate not to have suffered through the entire 2 years of my venting….somehow I think I have done enough… least for now…..if the world deteriorates much more in the future I might find reason for GOF to make a blogging resurrection. 🙂

  15. NO!nonono! This is entirely unacceptable!!!I was just getting to know you, and your posts are fantastic. I know I rarely comment, I have little time… but don't just disappear!! Just… reduce the frequency or something. There will be plenty of aggravating things to give the GOF treatment in the future… I am sure!"The END." is wayyy too final! "The temporary break from posting." would be perfectly ok.

  16. I am a new follower, so I haven't had the chance to read all of your posts, but I will be going through your old posts when I have time 🙂 If you are leaving it available to us to read, that is?

  17. It's not just me…the whole dang internet will never have grounds for wondering what your opinion might have been regarding every subject known to mankind! 😉 I've very much enjoyed having you around as my blog buddy. I'll look after your neighbours if you promise to keep in touch with them now and again – Mrs GOF and I refuse to be the sole inflictees of your eccentric hermit rants. XOX

  18. By all means, GOM. Hell, I can even distill GOF's philosphy into 3 salient points for your reference:
    1. Respect others.
    2. Modern medicine is shit.
    3. Men are f****** a**holes
    Oh wait, that last one was mine.

  19. I love that you set this up for your daughter & the rest of the world. I love that you finished it & I wish you continued happy creative endeavors!

  20. Thank you Drude for the compliments. The presence of so many nice folk in my neighborhood made this whole project really enjoyable. At least for the moment I feel that I have adequately covered every aspect of my life and the quirky traits of humans in general and I didn't want the blog to deteriorate into boring repetition of the same old themes. I may well return to blogging again one day, but for the moment it was occupying too much of my life and electricity and the decision to stop had to me made. I will however not be disappearing completely from Vox……I'll be keeping an eye on my neighbors occasionally to see that they don't get into too much trouble 🙂

  21. Thank you Sophie. I hope you find something interesting to read. There are a couple of posts which I "privatised"…….I will now re-open them to my "neighborhood" for anyone who might like to see them again.Apart from those posts the entire blog will be remaining for everyone to read.There are several historical posts with old photographs from Papua New Guinea's colonial history which might be of future interest to students in that country.

  22. You forgot …4. Elle McPherson is the the greatest thing since sliced bread. (He does have sliced bread in his damp little hideout, doesn't he?)

  23. I love that you set this up for your daughter & the rest of the world.Thank you m-t. I had an uncommunicative Father, and I have grown up not knowing what he really thought about life and the universe.I took it upon myself to make sure that Inga would not be left in the same position.However, to paraphrase and mess up a good Tom Lehrer song introduction;"Some attempts to pass on thoughts don't go far enough. This blog, on the other hand goes too far."

  24. I took it upon myself to make sure that Inga would not be left in the
    same position…. and that explains why she moved to the other end of the continent …(sorry, couldn't resist).

  25. I've very much enjoyed having you around as my blog buddy. I'll look after your neighbours if you promise to keep in touch with them now and again Thanks Inga. As you know, you were always in my mind during the construction of this blog. It has been a whole lot of fun for me….one day I may well return.I of course apologise profusely for unknowingly crashing the wild Vox party you were having here before old GOF stumbled along and started his new blog in 2008. 🙂

  26. … and that explains why she moved to the other end of the continent …I didn't say that I had developed a successful policy GOM….just a different one 🙂 I have always appreciated your "inability to resist"……'s part of what made this blogging business so enjoyable.

  27. GOF! Is this a sympton of your annual rainy weather depression? This is not funny! In fact it is down right cruel. Some days the only thing that keeps me hanging on is your blog. I am devastated.
    I am going out to lie in traffic.

  28. I am going out to lie in traffic.May all the vehicles on your road be hovercraft.It may well have to do with Vitamin D deficiency…..sorry to just up and leave… least I just didn't vanish without explanation. Can I have 2 out of 10 for manners?

  29. Pooh. I just barely got to know you, too. However, I have two years of blog posts to catch up on. Maybe by the time I read through them you will be back. *steps over Flamingo Dancer and continues across the road*

  30. Pooh. I just barely got to know you, too. My feeling about you too……I think we share many similarities in the way we view the world and I will continue to read your blog ……one day you might even supply me with an antidote to get that "dogs song" out of my head 🙂

  31. Bahahaha! I hope the Dogs……..dogs……dogs………………..DOGSDOGS!!!!dogsdogsdogsdogsdogsdogsdogsdogs….um, dogs you forever! 😉

  32. I'm gonna get you back for this one day!!! :-))

    Just as soon as they release me from therapy.

  33. I'll miss you GOF, if the bucket ever does require topping up, do come back and in the meantime, enjoy your quality 'shed-time'….

  34. Thank you Vicola.The company has been great around here……I won't be too far away.

  35. You were the first person to reach out to me on Vox, Mr. Gof. I shall miss you and your calm, seasoned point of view. Blessings, sir. I hope the online contents of your blog will remain accessible! I've linked to various posts over the few years in my own online trolling.

  36. Thank you EveDestiny….likewise, you were one of my first contacts in the blogging world. You provided an entire smorgasbord of food for thought, and inspired and challenged me to improve my standard of English expression. Thank you, and best wishes. My blog will always remain accessible…..earlier this year I restored and uploaded many old photographs taken during New Guinea's colonial history which may in future prove to be of some historical value.

  37. I'm delighted to hear it will remain accessible! Such a treasure trove. And I hope that life continues to be kind and gentle in these quieter moments of life.In a way, I'm jealous. It seems I'm so steeped in chaos and flux that nothing will *ever* settle down. I know it's just a moment that will pass … as too many moments pass. But still. I'm really quite sad to know I will not see you and your goings on in my neighborhood anymore … but I totally understand. Hugs and love.

  38. I am sure the time will come when I will be inspired to write again.Meanwhile I should track down that work colleague of yours who obviously failed to convince you that a trip to Australia would be a good idea. :-)Take care my friend.

  39. LOL on Australia! I actually may be going to China for a couple of weeks in July to teach "conversational English." Since you Aussies speak perfectly delightful English already, I don't think I can find this kind of work there. But I've not given up hope. I'd long wanted to visit Down Under, and I haven't given up trying. Do I have a proper and current private email address for you? If not, please do send one to me in a message. 🙂

  40. I look forward to reading your "China Blog" after you return.I'll send you my email address shortly.

  41. Hello..Goodbye for Now..You rendered a wonderful caused me to think..beyond the day to day..yet very important things of the earth..brought by the universe..'Some plant award winning roses..some plant forests..each with a purpose..a constant caring love considers the lover as well'..
    'Happy Trails'..
    Peace Tony


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